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IBufferT Interface
Represents a buffer exposing a shared view over an underlying enumerable sequence.

Namespace: System.Linq
Assembly: System.Interactive (in System.Interactive.dll) Version:
public interface IBuffer<out T> : IEnumerable<T>, 
	IEnumerable, IDisposable

Type Parameters

Element type.

The IBufferT type exposes the following members.

Public methodDispose
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from IDisposable.)
Public methodGetEnumerator
Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
(Inherited from IEnumerableT.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodBufferT(Int32)Overloaded.
Generates a sequence of non-overlapping adjacent buffers over the source sequence.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodBufferT(Int32, Int32)Overloaded.
Generates a sequence of buffers over the source sequence, with specified length and possible overlap.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodCatchT(IEnumerableT)Overloaded.
Creates a sequence that returns the elements of the first sequence, switching to the second in case of an error.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodCatchT, TException(FuncTException, IEnumerableT)Overloaded.
Creates a sequence that corresponds to the source sequence, concatenating it with the sequence resulting from calling an exception handler function in case of an error.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodDistinctT, TKey(FuncT, TKey)Overloaded.
Returns elements with a distinct key value by using the default equality comparer to compare key values.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodDistinctT, TKey(FuncT, TKey, IEqualityComparerTKey)Overloaded.
Returns elements with a distinct key value by using the specified equality comparer to compare key values.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodDistinctUntilChangedTOverloaded.
Returns consecutive distinct elements by using the default equality comparer to compare values.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodDistinctUntilChangedT(IEqualityComparerT)Overloaded.
Returns consecutive distinct elements by using the specified equality comparer to compare values.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodDistinctUntilChangedT, TKey(FuncT, TKey)Overloaded.
Returns consecutive distinct elements based on a key value by using the specified equality comparer to compare key values.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodDistinctUntilChangedT, TKey(FuncT, TKey, IEqualityComparerTKey)Overloaded.
Returns consecutive distinct elements based on a key value by using the specified equality comparer to compare key values.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodDoT(ActionT)Overloaded.
Lazily invokes an action for each value in the sequence.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodDoT(IObserverT)Overloaded.
Lazily invokes observer methods for each value in the sequence, and upon successful or exceptional termination.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodDoT(ActionT, Action)Overloaded.
Lazily invokes an action for each value in the sequence, and executes an action for successful termination.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodDoT(ActionT, ActionException)Overloaded.
Lazily invokes an action for each value in the sequence, and executes an action upon exceptional termination.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodDoT(ActionT, ActionException, Action)Overloaded.
Lazily invokes an action for each value in the sequence, and executes an action upon successful or exceptional termination.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodDoWhileT
Generates an enumerable sequence by repeating a source sequence as long as the given loop postcondition holds.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodExpandT
Expands the sequence by recursively applying a selector function.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodFinallyT
Creates a sequence whose termination or disposal of an enumerator causes a finally action to be executed.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodForEachT(ActionT)Overloaded.
Enumerates the sequence and invokes the given action for each value in the sequence.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodForEachT(ActionT, Int32)Overloaded.
Enumerates the sequence and invokes the given action for each value in the sequence.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodHideT
Hides the enumerable sequence object identity.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodIgnoreElementsT
Ignores all elements in the source sequence.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodIsEmptyT
Determines whether an enumerable sequence is empty.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodMaxT
Returns the maximum value in the enumerable sequence by using the specified comparer to compare values.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodMaxByT, TKey(FuncT, TKey)Overloaded.
Returns the elements with the maximum key value by using the default comparer to compare key values.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodMaxByT, TKey(FuncT, TKey, IComparerTKey)Overloaded.
Returns the elements with the minimum key value by using the specified comparer to compare key values.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodCode exampleMemoizeTOverloaded.
Creates a buffer with a view over the source sequence, causing each enumerator to obtain access to all of the sequence's elements without causing multiple enumerations over the source.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodMemoizeT(Int32)Overloaded.
Creates a buffer with a view over the source sequence, causing a specified number of enumerators to obtain access to all of the sequence's elements without causing multiple enumerations over the source.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodMemoizeT, TResult(FuncIEnumerableT, IEnumerableTResult)Overloaded.
Memoizes the source sequence within a selector function where each enumerator can get access to all of the sequence's elements without causing multiple enumerations over the source.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodMemoizeT, TResult(Int32, FuncIEnumerableT, IEnumerableTResult)Overloaded.
Memoizes the source sequence within a selector function where a specified number of enumerators can get access to all of the sequence's elements without causing multiple enumerations over the source.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodMinT
Returns the minimum value in the enumerable sequence by using the specified comparer to compare values.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodMinByT, TKey(FuncT, TKey)Overloaded.
Returns the elements with the minimum key value by using the default comparer to compare key values.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodMinByT, TKey(FuncT, TKey, IComparerTKey)Overloaded.
Returns the elements with the minimum key value by using the specified comparer to compare key values.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodOnErrorResumeNextT
Creates a sequence that concatenates both given sequences, regardless of whether an error occurs.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodCode examplePublishTOverloaded.
Creates a buffer with a view over the source sequence, causing each enumerator to obtain access to the remainder of the sequence from the current index in the buffer.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodPublishT, TResult(FuncIEnumerableT, IEnumerableTResult)Overloaded.
Publishes the source sequence within a selector function where each enumerator can obtain a view over a tail of the source sequence.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodRepeatTOverloaded.
Repeats and concatenates the source sequence infinitely.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodRepeatT(Int32)Overloaded.
Repeats and concatenates the source sequence the given number of times.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodRetryTOverloaded.
Creates a sequence that retries enumerating the source sequence as long as an error occurs.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodRetryT(Int32)Overloaded.
Creates a sequence that retries enumerating the source sequence as long as an error occurs, with the specified maximum number of retries.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodScanT(FuncT, T, T)Overloaded.
Generates a sequence of accumulated values by scanning the source sequence and applying an accumulator function.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodScanT, TAccumulate(TAccumulate, FuncTAccumulate, T, TAccumulate)Overloaded.
Generates a sequence of accumulated values by scanning the source sequence and applying an accumulator function.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodSelectManyT, TOther
Projects each element of a sequence to an given sequence and flattens the resulting sequences into one sequence.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodCode exampleShareTOverloaded.
Creates a buffer with a shared view over the source sequence, causing each enumerator to fetch the next element from the source sequence.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodShareT, TResult(FuncIEnumerableT, IEnumerableTResult)Overloaded.
Shares the source sequence within a selector function where each enumerator can fetch the next element from the source sequence.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodSkipLastT
Bypasses a specified number of contiguous elements from the end of the sequence and returns the remaining elements.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodStartWithT
Returns the source sequence prefixed with the specified value.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodTakeLastT
Returns a specified number of contiguous elements from the end of the sequence.
(Defined by EnumerableEx.)
Public Extension MethodToAsyncEnumerableT (Defined by AsyncEnumerable.)
See Also